Dalian University of Technology

      DUT Has the First High-bandwi
      2012-06-18     (Click: )
      • March,21——The campus wireless network which covers 3030,000 sq.m. teaching areas, 67 buildings and 370 floors began a test run in DUT.?It is the first one in universities of Asia?by using dual-band access with 900 megabytes? and has reached the highest rate standard of current commercial wireless network.

        Vice-president Li Junjie said, a digital campus based on mobile computing is an important task for the information construction of our university and wireless network coverage in teaching zone is the first stage. When starting the whole scheme, we give full consideration to the needs of future development. The wireless network providing an "anytime, anywhere" mode means the campus teaching methods, management, service and lifestyle?will change. Our university will implement the mobility of campus information services, improve the existing digital campus platform, and launch a variety of special services, such as mobile learning platform, mobile campus activities service, mobile emergency management platform and so on.

        During the trial run, the operation management, equipment monitoring and performance index monitoring of wireless network will be tested and adjusted by network and information center. After?that, the campus wireless network will be launched formally in due time and provide online services with a full range.(Yao Weiwei)

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